- 글번호
- 899999
2024년 11월 14일 물리학과 콜로퀴엄
- 작성일
- 2024.11.12
- 수정일
- 2024.11.12
- 작성자
- 김정연
- 조회수
- 101
◇ 연사 : 한국표준과학연구원 임경근 박사
◇ 일시 : 2024년 11월 14일 목요일 16시 30분
◇ 장소 : 자연과학대학 4호관 215호
◇ 주제 : Vertical Organic Thin Film Transistors: Overcoming Limitation of Next Generation Semiconductor Devices
◇ 초록 : The current record for super high-speed organic thin film transistor (OTFT) is reached by the vertical organic thin film transistor (VOTFT) with very short vertical carrier paths and 3D nano structures using well-ordered organic semiconductor materials.[1] Light emitting VOTFTs have been demonstrated for the high gain efficient and low-voltage operation.[2] Therefore VOTFT has become to deliver the next-generation high-performance flexible or stretchable electronic devices using highly performing organic semiconductor materials. Despite their advantages, device fabrications need delicate techniques such as multiple photolithography and vacuum evaporation processes to control the nanoscale structure and vertical current path of VOTFT. In this study, the conventional issues as leakage currents and parasitic capacitances are significantly reduced in VOTFT with the electrochemical oxidation, and paving the way to even higher transit frequencies for the first time.[3,4] As the results, the convergence of optoelectronic, logic, memory, or synaptic electronics with VOTFT are demonstrated to provide not only the ultra-high data process or communication speed, but also the novel operational advantages, allowing the high optical detectivity, selective detection of multiple wavelength, memory, and neuromorphic computing.
Keywords: Vertical, organic, semiconductor, transistors, TFT
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